Episode 8: Prince’s Legacy in The Groovisphere!

ct-prince-photos-20160421John talks about the similarities between the Artist, Prince and some of the features we’re been covering here in the Groovisphere in this captivating episode..

Episode 5: All About The Marketing

John talks about his fascination about the world of Marketing. He plays a very interesting clip from Kate Cooper, an actress, portraying a Marketer of Food Products in the United Kingdom who is lecturing a crowd  They are unaware of her true vocation. The message at the end of the lecture is thought provoking.


Episode 3: Radio Daze–Donnie Simpson Back On The Air!!

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Radio personality Donnie Simpson returns to the air on Radio One’s WMMJ-FM in Washington, DC.  John talks about his return, what it means, and how it could affect the radio market.

Episode 2: NMX 2015


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John’s back from his recent trek to the New Media Expo 2015 in Las Vegas.   In this episode, he shares with you his thoughts about the expo, and where he thinks “new media” will go from here.

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John “hangin out” with the Icon “Leo Laporte