Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed as new Supreme Court Justice

Beleaguered Supreme Court nominee Brett Cavanaugh has just been confirmed as the latest Supreme Court Justice.

Following a contentious 50-48 vote in the Senate, and testimony from Christine Blasey Ford claiming Cavanaugh sexually assaulted her while in their teens, this appointment has whipped up a myriad of emontions from both Democrats and Republicans and for many believe a further split among genders.

The fallout has energized both political parties too. Cavanaugh, a second Trump nominee is pleased about the confirmation believing it’s more reflective of the mood of the country and keeping his promise of having a more conservative court.

For many the fight isn’t over, and for others the fight has just begun. Both parties are energizing their constituents and urging them to vote in the upcoming November elections.

We’ll see how this develops.


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