Just when ya’ think it can’t get any crazier..it does

Wow it’s been a crazy two years. Some says it’s maddening, others say it’s a place that the world have never seen before, at least for this generation.

Between a pandemic that has affected the world in profound ways to include Politics,Economics, and the way Humans treat each other will take some time to revert to a pre-pandemic if that ever should happen again.

And in the United States it’s election time again. There’s a lot on the line that could really affect the United States and North America in profound ways.

If the Democrats lose Congress, it’s all but certain former President Donald Trump will be encouraged to run again and should he win, he’d feel compelled to seek revenge on his political enemies real or imagined. He still (although it has proven)  that he did not win the election

That’s the way it looks from here in the Groovisphere.

Regardless of your political leanings, vote

Don’t be upset with the outcome if you don’t.





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