So Who Do You Think Won??

Wellt he speculation from all of the pundits ended with the debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice-President and Democratic nominee Vice-President, Kamala Harris.

The Vice-President with great confidence, coolly calmly and very pointedly in her opening remarks laid down a foundation of facts about the former President why she s the best candidate for President.

We hadn’t seen the facial reactions of the former President since when  President Barack Obama mocked the private citizen Trump at the  White House Correspondents Press back in 2015.

Dinner when at the time Trump was questioning the President being a US citizen. That issue was resoled when President Obama revealed his birth certificate and suggested that Trump concern himself with more important issues like, did we fake the Moon landing, what really happened in Rosewell and where are Biggie and Tupac.

The former President never takes criticism well has has to lash out to have the final word regardless if it makes sense or not.

Donald Trump, true to form did not take it well like the opening assault from Vice-President Harris who literally took it to Trump laying out her plan, telling the audience what Trump was going to do in response to her points.

Trump did not disappoint. He did exactly what she predicted. Trump like his first speech as President in 2017 painted America as a dark,dour, place in the most pessimistic of places.

Questions posed to him he could or preferred not to answer directly and went back to his same of tired tropes of negativity and diverseness.

Unlike Joe Biden in the first debate where he looked old and feeble, the Vice President was nimble and fast on her feet, and was constructively critical of him directly showing no fear of his tactics and his record as President.

As you saw the split screen one could clearly see he (Trump) as agitated as she launched into her attacks, showing the contrast touting her policies and how it would lift the Country to it’s highest aspirations.

Trump countered with more half-truths, lies and distortions with statements which boarded on the absurd  to downright silly.

The presentation of both Candidates to their vision of the Country are stark, but defined.

So who do you think won? Vote your choice on November 5th 2024 and we’ll find out.